The Friday News Minute!

A weekly gem of information you will be using on Monday!

Published by Andrew Sanderbeck

Managing Partner of The People~Connect Institute

Its Friday! The end of the work week (for some of us) is near and we celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday.  Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's that read this news minute!

Today is my last day of work and traveling and I am excited about returning home tonight after 21 days on the road and seas. As I reflect on the challenges and successes of the past 3 weeks, I am reminded of something that a friend said to me many years ago...a gift in words that is wonderfully profound, yet simple. 

Let Joy Be Your Compass

We are all travelers on a journey. We may never leave our state or country on our journey, yet the geography may be relatively unimportant. The journey that I reference here is the journey of lifetime. The culmination of all of the moments that we live. The joy that I believe my friend was referring to was not outer was the joy that we have inside of us. And her advice was to find that joy and to use it a compass for our lives.

At the conclusion of the workshop that I presented on Wednesday, one of the participants shared the story of her son with me. He had died of kidney failure two years ago at the age of 36. He had lived with the kidney problems since he was 9 years old. 

She shared with me the joy of her son's life, a life that many would have considered incredibly difficult. "He found the inner joy of life", she said with tears now flowing from her eyes. Tears of joy no doubt.

As I have been writing this news minute, I have been listening to the song "On the Beach" by Chris Rea. For me, certain songs and types of music brings great inner joy. Writing, teaching and traveling also can bring me the feelings of inner joy. Have you identified the places, things etc. that bring you inner joy? If you have not, this weekend just might be the perfect time to do so.

Andrew Sanderbeck

(You can listen to the "On the Beach" by Chris Rea. Click here: )
