The Friday News Minute!

A weekly gem of information you will be using on Monday!

Published by Andrew Sanderbeck

Managing Partner of The People~Connect Institute

It has been another interesting week of traveling and giving presentations. Returning to the Tampa Bay, Florida area for the first time since our move in February was a real treat. One of my favorite clients, the Tampa Bay Library Consortium is there and the opportunity to work with them also gave me a chance to catch up with family and friends. A good friend, Stacey and I were having dinner when she said "I have learned that I am enough." This is a very powerful statement and a wonderful sign of growth in her life. It is also my topic for this week's Friday News Minute.

You are enough...but you don't think so

How many times have you said to yourself any of the following:

"I'm not a good enough __________" (Insert father, mother, friend, spouse, cook, writer...usually a role we have in life)

"I'm not _________ enough" (Insert strong, cute, happy, tall, beautiful, thin, handsome, sexy, loveable...usually a characterstic of our self)

All of the completed statements above may be true in your own mind. But the truth is that you are enough.

Could you be a better __________? (Insert any of the above)

Perhaps. If you believe that you could be better, then your next steps are to improve yourself. Personally, I'd like to be thinner, stronger and more handsome. I just purchased a "Healthy Haywood" card that will give me 24 visits to health and fitness businesses throughout the area in the next 8 weeks. It's been years since I was able to find a group of people to play racquetball with on a consistent basis. I'm excited to get back into a consistent routine of exercising.

Still, having said that, I know that in this moment I am enough.

Having an "I am enough" belief system frees you from the anxiety, doubt and fear that likely holds yourself back from enjoying more of life. (and of being yourself) For example, "I can't ask her out, I am too fat." That's what your "not enough" thinking wants you to believe. Another way to look at it is "I am enough, I can ask anyone out."

Closer to home for me is the reoccuring negative self-talk which questions "Am I a good enough father?" My daughter and I have a wonderful relationship. I've even asked her if I could be doing anything better or different. She thinks I am a wonderful Dad. Yet, that little thought does revisit me. And that little thought causes me much discomfort.  

Stacey's gift for me and all of you reading this newsletter is the reminder that you are enough. You are enough in your relationships, in your work, and with your body too. And it is a reminder that we can grow and change ourselves when we want to.

One last thought: I would suggest that you are not only "enough", I believe that you are "more than enough".

Andrew Sanderbeck
