The Friday News Minute!


A weekly gem of information you will be using on Monday!


Published by Andrew Sanderbeck

Managing Partner of The People~Connect Institute


Success Begins when People~Connect!


This week in our Friday News Minute, we look at creating our personal spiritual connection with an article on balance from Dr. Cathy O'Connell. Enjoy!


Having it all in life, a sense of balance, a successful business, happy and fulfilled personal life, supportive relationships, great health and deep spiritual connection IS possible! The key is to live consciously in all areas of your life, choosing right action and behavior in every moment, and releasing that which doesn’t serve you and clutters up your life. Choose now to find your path to Conscious Living! The only person it’s up to is YOU!

  1. B – Banish

    To have what you really want, a balanced life, you must first banish from your thoughts and actions any ideas, behaviors, people or experiences from the past that you don’t want to repeat. Review your last year and make a list of those things that don’t serve you any more or that you want to release. Make a ritual about releasing and banishing them from your life.

  2. A – Attract

    To have what you really want, a balance life, you must focus your thoughts and energy on what you WANT. That’s right, what YOU want – not your mother, not your children, not you partner – what YOU WANT. First you need to spend time finding out what you really want and then you must focus your energy on those things to attract them toward you. Make a vision board, write your intentions, and share with others to make your dreams come true!

  3. L – Love
    After you decide what you want, make sure that love is part of your life! Love is a necessary part of creating a balanced life: love of yourself, love of those special people around you, love of the greater global community and love of what you do. Do you love your life? Do you love your work? Do you contribute to the world through love? Do you share love and do you allow yourself to receive it? Review your love barometer and make a plan to have more love in your life.

  4. A – Attitude
    Your attitude is the way the world sees you and directly affects what you attract into your life. A positive attitude attracts positive results, positive people and positive change in your own life and the lives of others. Where do you need to develop a more positive attitude to create what you want? With whom do you need to change your attitude? Make an attitude adjustment plan and follow through

  5. N – Now
    To create balance in your life and attract the life you choose to have, you must live in the NOW. Today is all we are guaranteed, and living in yesterday focuses your energy on repeating it; living in tomorrow always focuses your energy on wanting, not having. Where in your life do you need to change your focus from the past or the future and focus on NOW?

  6. C – Choose
    All of the above aspects of balance revolve around one thing – your own choice. You have the power to CHOOSE, NOW, what you will have in your life and how you will have it. The key to beginning to choose is putting YOU first. If you aren’t first for yourself, you will become depleted and drained as you put others first. Where in your life do you need to focus on YOU FIRST?

  7. E – Enjoy
    If it’s not fun, why do it! Life is meant to be enjoyed, not suffered. Are you choosing to be a victim, to suffer? Or are you choosing to have fun and joy? Do you have enough FUN in your life? What can you do to add more fun into in all areas of your life?

          By Dr. Cathy O'Connell, President of Conscious Journeys, Inc,


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