The Friday News Minute!


A weekly gem of information you will be using on Monday!


Published by Andrew Sanderbeck

Managing Partner of The People~Connect Institute


Success Begins when People~Connect!


 This week in our Friday News Minute we kick off 2008 with an article from a good friend of mine Dick Powell on our creativity. Enjoy the article and Happy New Year!


I just finished rereading a book called “Orbiting the Giant Hairball” by Gordon MacKenzie. It is very fitting to have reread this book at this time of year. As we arrive at a new year and a new opportunity to be and do what we were and are called to do and be.

The book is about never loosing your ability to be creative. Drawing out the inner you that you mostly keep hidden and to yourself. MacKenzie goes through a process of explaining how when we are young our creative juices flow and go with no account of can’t and prejudice. We draw a bug and it looks like a cow and it does not matter. To us it will still be a bug. A we grow older we are fit into spaces that others decide. We go though our lives living not to realizing who we were born to be. Instead we have become someone that has learned the lessons of how to survive in the real world. Sound familiar? 

Everyone has a creative side. If this was not a true statement the refrigerators of the world would not have so may pictures on them. Mothers would not have boxes in the attic with their children’s things in them. So where has the creativity gone in your life?  What has happened between then and now? I encourage you all to think back to the time when you were small and what you wanted to be and accomplish. Have you done those things on your small person’s list? Have they been replaced with big people’s things? Have you left opportunities because the group around you said they were silly and not for you? This is the time to reset the clock so to speak.

Make the list! Do what you need to do to get to where you want to go. Do it on your own terms and not the status quo. Now make those New Year’s resolutions and have a creative life!

Dick Powell


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