Monthly enews from m-a-p

Change and Transformation

Many of my friends, family, and business associates have been busy taking their children to college.  It is that time of the year when school starts and young adults move forward with their lives as their parents contemplate all the changes in their own.  Some are taking their 1st child to college, and some their last.  The newbie college parents tend to reminisce of their child coming into the world, toddler days, the first date, the first driving lesson, all the firsts and how it all seemed to pass so quickly.  The seasoned college parents and soon to be empty nesters settle into the car for the seemingly endless drive home in silent tears lost in their own thoughts, questioning "what now".  And there are some ELATED parents who are happy to have their homes back and are exited as teenagers on their first date!   


There are many others I know and care about who are going through numerous transitions, and transformations to their lives.  Some are have babies, getting married, divorced, selling their home, moving to a different state, buying a new home, experiencing health scares and surgeries, the loss of a loved one, dealing with aging parents and all that is involved, changing careers, staring new jobs, entering the work force, retiring, developing a new business, adopting new strategies, acquiring new products, developing new services, moving into a new building, buying a business, closing one down, and the list goes on.


What do all of these people have in common?  Change!  Major Change!  They are changing, developing, and contemplating the next chapter in their life's journey. 


Every year at this time there seems to be a surge of human change that comes as the hot, humid, dusty heat of summer is slowly subdued by gentle breezes, and cooler evening.  Soon the bright green of the tress will change to a brilliant array of colors teasing our eyes and stimulating our senses. 


We can learn much to ease our minds during times of change by paying attention Mother Natures changing of the seasons.  Just a surely as summer turns to autumn, winter will turn to spring and we will find our way back to summer again.  Some changes take time and don't happen over night, just like the leaves turning.  They transform from their summer green to their brilliant orange, red, yellow fall attire with a burst of celebration along the way.  Then slowly they release themselves from their past, take a breath and fall gently to the ground to supply nourishment to the tree which will sprout new growth in the spring.  Humans do the same; we are all part of nature.  As our lives change, our soul is fed and nourished, we learn and grow, and become more brilliant because of the experience.   As you go ease through your own transformation, go gently as Mother Nature does and enjoy the harvest of your life. 


Yes there are times when it's hard to calm your mind and elminate those fears.  When all else fails and you can't be seem to ease through the transformation... Do what I do…. Ride the Wave!  As gracefully as possible, as long as you can, then make a huge slash, and swim to shore.  When you reach the shore, or rather when other side of the "change", rest, take some deep breaths, and reflect on what a phenomenal ride it was!  Celebrate the new growth and having lived through it all! 


August 2007 ISSUE

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